Dental Veneers
Porcelain and Resin Veneers
What is a veneer?
A veneer is a thin decorative covering. Dental veneers can be made of porcelain or composite bonding and are thin surfaces that are applied over the top of an existing tooth to greatly improve discoloured, chipped, broken, gapped or misaligned teeth. They are a popular method used in cosmetic dentistry, however also serve to protect the natural tooth from further damage.
If you have gaps between your teeth, discolouration, misshapen or a chipped tooth, then a veneer will provide an effective, timely solution towards achieving a brighter, straighter smile.
Composite bonding or porcelain veneers?
Composite bonded veneers are a more economical, quicker option, although porcelain veneers provide a more natural looking finish. Your dentist will discuss with you whether a bonded composite veneer or porcelain veneer is appropriate for your circumstances. Generally, a composite bonded veneer can be applied in one visit, whereas a porcelain veneer will require 2 visits. The porcelain veneers are sent to a laboratory for production and we find that the result is shinier, more translucent and closer to a natural tooth surface finish.
When considering a veneer, it is imperative that your teeth and gums are healthy before it is applied. We don’t do quick fix makeovers because they won’t last if your dental foundations are not right. We make sure your gums are in top condition before we start and we take considerable care to consult with you about the look that you want to achieve and how best to go about it. We know that not everybody wants a Hollywood smile and we take the time to consult with you to understand your priorities, and communicate our objectives.
Firstly we will ascertain the health of your tooth / teeth that the veneer is to cover. Covering a bad tooth with a new surface will not stop the bad tooth from further deterioration. We will assess the health of your teeth and advise if other work is required prior to placing a veneer over the top.
Once the restorative work / assessment is complete, we will then take a mould of your upper and lower teeth or take a digital x-ray depending on whether a porcelain or composite bonded veneer is required. The mould or x-rays will then be used to shape the new veneer.
If you are having a porcelain veneer applied, the mould is sent to a dental laboratory where a veneer will be specially fabricated. On your next visit, we will then cement the veneer over your tooth.
If you are having a composite bonded veneer, we are able to fabricate the veneer while you wait in the dental chair. It is applied in the same visit.
How long will a veneer last?
You should get a healthy 10 years of wear from your veneer. A large benefit is that if problems occur they are very quickly and easily fixed.
Just like any dental work, you will see the benefit last longer if you maintain a daily oral health programme along with regular examinations from a dental oral therapist. Our Oral Therapists will provide you with clear instructions on how to care for your veneers.

Contact our Team
Monday: 8.30am-5.30pm
Tuesday: 8.30am-8pm
Wednesday: 8.30am-5.30pm
Thursday: 8.30am-5.30pm
Friday: 8.30am-5.30pm
Every second Saturday: 8am-1pm
03 9744 3677
17 Macedon St